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Trusted by brands and creators

AI character inspiration

Get inspired by Recraft's talented community of AI artists and designers. See how Recrafters are representing their online personas with realistic, cartoon, and illustrated avatars for social media and streaming platforms.

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How character generator works

Need a custom avatar for your Instagram profile? Or maybe a gaming avatar for your Twitch channel? With Recraft, you can design AI characters in any style, for any platform. Create fun characters from scratch in just four steps.
Select a style or make your own.
Create your own or choose from Recraft’s style library
Enter a detailed text prompt.
Create a detailed prompt describing exactly how you want your character to look
Hit "Recraft" to generate.
Generate your AI character. Edit the details, color palette, or quality to your liking
Select "Variate" to create variations. Export your AI character
Choose the dimensions. Then, generate variations of your character with different aspects. Select your image(s) and export as JPG or PNG. Then, upload it to any social media or streaming platform.

Generate AI characters in any style

AI avatars are easy to customize with Recraft. You can choose from the unlimited styles in Recraft's library or create your own by adding up to 5 reference images. A more refined and personalized visual output is achieved by combining reference-based style generation with specific prompt instructions.
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Go from ideas to custom characters in minutes

Quickly generate personalized AI avatars for your game or your brand. Create designs from scratch or upload your own image and modify everything about it.

Create character variations for every platform

Whether you need a custom avatar for LinkedIn, Discord or Youtube, Recraft gives you the tools to create the characters of your dreams. Recolor them, change the style as you go, or enhance the quality.
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